• Open Enrollment

  • The best time to enroll into a program that will move you towards your Christian Counselor calling is now!

    We hear from people everyday that have a  wide variety of educational backgrounds. The minimum educational requirement to begin your educational journey with NPCTC is a high school diploma.

    If you are already college educated and are seeking a Christian Master’s or Doctoral degree, you will find high quality educational materials as well as well-experienced practical supervision to help guide you to becoming the counselor the Lord has called you to be.

    Many of our students come to us already holding valid ministerial credentials. However, if you do not, there is no need to worry. A ministerial credential is not required for admission. A Christian Ministerial Credential is required to complete any NCCA program. We are here to help you gain an appropriate credential if you need one. Regardless of your educational background, there is a program designed to meet your needs as a Christian counselor.